If you have an email and you activate forwarding for it, all inbound messages will be sent to a third-party mailbox of your choosing. The sender won't be aware of this and he will be sending the message to the first address. This kind of feature is effective in case you have a number of sites, each with a separate e-mail address for contact, for instance. By forwarding all messages to one email, it will be easier for you to keep a record and never neglect an email because you have neglected to check on a specific email address. If you run a company, you’ll be able to use this function to watch the emails received by various departments. An additional benefit is that you can make use of an official address for some purposes, let’s say admin@your-domain.com, and you can now get all of the emails sent to it in your private email address. It's also possible to forward emails from one email address to multiple ones, in case a number of people should be involved with the email conversation.

E-mail Forwarding in Hosting

It is really simple to create forwarding for virtually every email address configured inside a hosting account from our company. This can be accomplished either when you create a brand new mailbox through your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or whenever you want afterwards as the forwarding can be enabled and disabled for any active email address with just a few clicks. You can also decide if a backup copy of the inbound emails will be maintained on our servers, a very useful option. This can be a fail-safe whenever the remote email address is not accessible for whatever reason, not mentioning you will have always a backup of all messages. When this feature is not activated for a given e-mail address on our end, an incoming e-mail will be received and sent forward, so absolutely no record of it will remain on the server. In case the remote email address is inaccessible for the moment, you will lose this email.