Free & easy website generation tool
A user–friendly website generation tool with a variety of mobile–optimized charge–free templates.

With Branic Designs, you will gain access to an extremely easy–to–use website generation tool. It is really uncomplicated and it offers a dashboard that will certainly be instantaneously familiar to everybody who has ever utilized an admin panel. The website generation tool features quite a lot of distinctive website templates which you can tweak with just a click and set–up a website to your liking. And to top it all off, each theme is mobile–optimized, so your brand new website will be perfect on phones, tablets and computers from the very start.
The website generation tool is a part of the Branic Designs Web Control Panel, offered with all hosting plans, VPS plans, semi-dedicated hosting plans, and dedicated web hosting plans plans.
An easy to use website generation tool
No programming experience is needed
The purpose of our website generation tool is to make website setup simple and to assist you create a cool website without having to pen a line of HTML or CSS, or any other coding languages.
You could do that utilizing layout components which you can add to each website template and then edit and reorder as you want. And to top it all off, you can cut out the elements you don’t need with a click of the mouse. If you choose to make your site more inviting, you could easily add videos and images, or even an e–cart to it.
Plus, it all works in a seamless manner.
A set of simple–to–customize designs
Stylish design themes that look perfect on tablets and phones
Regardless of what type of site you wish to build, the Branic Designs’s website generation tool will offer something for you. It has a big set of free templates that are working for any type of websites – personal pages, e–stores, discussion boards, to name a few.
To make your site even more distinctive from the very start you can utilize the variety of unique design layouts and color configurations included along with every website template. And to top it all off, every website theme offers built–in support for over 100 different web fonts which can be changed with just a click. And best of all, you will have full access to a big set of pre–made photos.
If you wish to replace your site theme further down the road, all modifications you’ve implemented will be switched over to the new site template as well.
Built–in Help Center and step–by–step video tutorials
Watch exactly how simple it indeed is to launch a site
In case you want any type of help working with the Branic Designs’s website generation tool, there are a variety of how–to articles and videos that cover the most frequently asked questions.
With their help, you can check out how to tweak your current site theme, how to add new pages to a site or perhaps how to add a forum.
In case you can’t discover the answer in there, you can always communicate with us. We’re available to you 24/7 and we answer to all tickets in under 1 hour, guaranteed.